Is in my mind and truly a dream.
I dream the impossible dream,
That I am awake and God is asleep
Deep within,
Rest in peace.
All is a dream
In the mind of Is.
Keeps the dream rolling.
A thought conceived
Strives to be,
It lives like you
And is hungry for food.
Everything in time
Is a matter of time.
Όλα στο χρόνο
είναι θέμα χρόνου.
Σώματα και πτώματα
Τής σκέψης παραπτώματα,
Βαρέθηκα να βλέπω.
Πνεύμα είμαι
Γιός Θεού,
Παιδί του αγαπημένο.
Ο άνθρωπος θέλει και τρέχει.
Ο Θεός βούλεται και είναι.
Man wants and seeks.
God wills and Is.
I am not a body
with a story,
I am life
caught in lies.
Συμφωνώ με το Θεό?
Do I agree with God?
Γνωρίζω και έχω
αυτό που είμαι.
I know and I have
What I am.
Επιλέγω το Θαύμα ή το Δράμα?
Σώματα φόβος και ντροπή
Και ατέλειωτη ενοχή
Στού ονείρου τη φυλακή
Περιμένουμε το ξύπνημα
Χριστέ Ιησού.
The Quest:
To find the never-ending
guiltless pleasure.
Is God here?
Is God real?
Is God good?
Could God take over my life
and make everything right?
Could He?
Would He?
I will not try
To invent God
I let God
Be God
Now what!
Don't ask me,
Ask the Universe,
Ask God,
Ask the Holy Spirit,
At least ask somebody who knows better.
To admire without desire,
To love without lust,
To be thankful without pride,
Is the way of the wise.
The Key to Meditation
Silence! The Composer is conducting.
The Composer composed a symphony,
perfect and filled with harmony.
He created, then, the orchestra too,
with instruments perfectly tuned.
So pleased with His work He was,
that His joy should be shared with all.
So He created a man named Ulysses, to enjoy the symphony and listen.
Ulysses was a happy man
for all he did was just to have fun.
The Composer the orchestra conducted
and Ulysses, enthused, he applauded.
All was perfect and well
and the symphony was always heard,
until one unfortunate day,
when Ulysses took the conductor's place.
The Conductor reluctantly his baton gave
for Ulysses, music, could neither read nor play.
Thereafter the orchestra suffered
for Ulysses was nothing like the Master.
For years Ulysses tried conducting
but always something was wrong or missing.
He never thought of himself to blame
but it was rather, he reasoned, the Composer's mistake.
The Composer, all this time patiently waited
and advice to Ulysses' ear he whispered.
But Ulysses did not hear his Master's voice,
being too much absorbed in the orchestra's noise.
Until finally, one happy day, he remembered
why he was created and why he suffered.
All he had to do, not to suffer in vain
was to give the Baton to the Composer again.
Finally Ulysses his baton surrendered
and sat and did nothing but listen.
The Composer conducted the orchestra with grace
without Ulysses' help or advice.
As the orchestra the air with harmony filled
Ulysses relaxed, sitting still.
Then above he noticed a sign:
In case you haven’t realized:
You are Ulysses
And the orchestra
And the symphony
And the Composer.
I don't need someBody.
I need everyOne,
As part of my One Self.
The good and the bad,
The lovely and the ugly,
I welcome it all,
In the mist of awakening.
Shame and blame,
Is time's game.
Joy and Glory
Is not a story.
You can be love.
You cannot make love,
But you can make trouble.
The natural tendency of the mind
is toward more and more.
You have plenty of nothing,
Unless nothing is plenty for you.
Whatever I can do, God can do better.
What about instead of telling God what to do,
Pray like this:
God of my heart,
Let me see the miracle you gave me, instead of the drama I project in my awareness.
At the beginning there was nothing
And nothing was vast and incomprehensible
But it could think.
So nothing thought of something
And something was tiny and formless
But it felt great!
So nothing dived into something
And something exploded into a huge universe
But it hurt like hell
So nothing tried to get out of something
But it was stuck!
Nothing was stuck in something
Because nothing
Couldn’t stop
Thinking of something.
Agis Antonopoulos MD.
I Am
I am
Wearing a
And a
Dreaming of
Asleep in
You are totally joyous,
You are not "yourSelf".
Αν δέν είσαι
Ολοκληρωτικά πανευτυχής,
Είσαι εκτός "Εαυτού".
You are totally joyous,
You are not "yourSelf".
Αν δέν είσαι
Ολοκληρωτικά πανευτυχής,
Είσαι εκτός "Εαυτού".
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